Gooseberry Crumble

I’m been fortunate to inherit two lovely gooseberry bushes with my plot and after picking numerous bags, I thought i’d better do something with them.  I made a gooseberry crumble and took it to work and thankfully everyone enjoyed it so I decided to make another for the folks.  The first time was with mornal green gooseberries crumble, this time I thought i’d mix it up a bit and a mix of green and the mystery gooseberries (pax I think).  I looked at a few Gooseberry recipes: jam, crumble, even wine!  The easiest is crumble so best to start with that.


  • 500g approx of gooseberries
  • 160g light brown sugar
  • 180g of plain flour
  • 85g of salted butter
  • pinch of salt
  1. The messy bit: top and tail the gooseberries – remove the stalk and the small woody bit from the bottom.
  2. Pre-heat your oven to 180degrees.
  3. Add the gooseberries to an ovenproof baking dish, square or round it doesn’t really matter, with a tablespoon of water.  If your gooseberries had been frozen like mine, I didn’t add any water as the berries were wet from defrosting.
  4. With your hands, rub together the flour, butter and a good pinch of salt until the mix is the consistancy of rough breadcrumbs.
  5. Add 1/3 of the sugar to the gooseberries and stir so the sugar coats all the gooseberries.
  6. Add the rest of the sugar (2/3rds) to the flour mix and continue to rub in your hands.
  7. Scatter the flour and sugar mix over the top of your gooseberries to give an even topping
  8. Put  your cruble in the over for 45 – 50 mins, until the berry content is bubbling and breaking through the crumble toppping.
  9. Eat with cold or warm custard
Gooseberries - top and tailed

Gooseberries – top and tailed

Mix Flour, Butter, Sugar and Salt to make a breadcrumb

Mix Flour, Butter, Sugar and Salt to make a breadcrumb

Add the crumble mix to the gooseberries to make an even cover

Add the crumble mix to the gooseberries to make an even cover

Cook for 50 mins at 180 until the berries bubble over the top of the crumble

Cook for 50 mins at 180 until the berries bubble over the top of the crumble